I don't think it was that way for me...but I imagine it was the case with a lot of my, um, partners. I've always been pretty open to any "type" of woman. I was nailing 50 year olds before I was 20. Fat chick? Sure, why not? If a girl is interested in me, that's a big aphrodisiac. It's hard to explain. I'm not going to sit here and say that I'm some plain girl whisperer or that I can divine inner beauty or some such shit. I just think what I find attractive fits between some pretty wide hash marks. It's why I always sort of snicker when someone says "I wouldn't fuck her". I usually would.

I just asked the girl if she can ever remember me turning down a girl on looks. Yup. Hippie couple that wanted to get with me and the ex. The wife didn't shave her pits or legs. Standards. I have them.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE